Why you shouldn't miss out on our Water Test App
If only there was an easy way to determine the chemical needs of my spa water... Sound familiar?
The good news is you have to look no further! The Canadian Spa Company doesn't leave their customers alone with their problems once they bought a spa. Our Customer Service is there for you for the lifetime of your spa. As we want to make your spa experience as enjoyable as possible we developed an app to help you determine the pH, Alkalinity and Chlorine level of your spa.
And this is how it works:
First of all, you will need to purchase test strips if you don't have any yet. Then simply dip your test strip into your spa water and enter the colours shown into the 'Water Test Centre' screen of the app. Instantly you'll have the list and the quantities of the products needed to balance the Alkalinity, pH and Chlorine levels in your spa. Just add the chemicals to the water as suggested by the app. It's as simple as that. If you run out of these products, the app will redirect you to our website for purchase.
What are the key features of the app?
- An easy to use colour selector screen based upon the results from Canadian Spa test strips
- Compatible with all Canadian Spa products
- It can be used with any water test strip checking for Alkalinity, pH and Chlorine levels
- A simple start up guide customisable to your spa
- All readings are stored and can be shared via email to your support representative
- Select your spa for tailored results
- Raise support tickets and backyard delivery requests
- Direct links to the relevant website to purchase products
- Manual test strip reading input also available
Note: Instructions on the product label take priority over app recommendations. Always check with your sales representative if you have any queries when using the app.