Preparing for the delivery of a hot tub
The site you select for your spa must be a flat surface that contacts the bottom of your spa completely.
Spas weigh between 900kg and 1,400kg when full, therefore a solid support is essential. A 10-15cm thick reinforced concrete slab is ideal, but not a requirement. In most cases your spa can be placed on a properly fitted existing patio. Your spa can be mounted on a deck, but it must be of solid construction. Either way, it is recommended you install your spa at ground level to allow easy internal access.
The base needs to be at least the same size as the footprint of your spa.
The power supplied must be a dedicated RCD protected circuit. You will need to get a qualified electrician to undertake this work (check spa for Amp requirement).
Plug and play models plug directly into a 13Amp socket.